来源: 作者: 发布时间:2012-12-17邀请人:
时间: 2012-12-17
时 间: 2012年 12 月 17 日(星期一 )下午4:10
地 点: 中心教学楼609
题 目:Probing autoionization dynamics with ultrashort pulses
摘要: With the advent of ultrashort extreme ultraviolet (XUV) pulses with subfemtosecond duration, it has become possible to carry out time-resolved measurements of electronic dynamics in atoms and molecules. many current experiments rely on pumping atoms or molecules by using subfemtosecond XUV pulses and probing the initiated dynamics with near-infrared (NIR) pulses. Doubly excited states lying above the one-electron ionization threshold are prime examples of autoionizing states. One-photon absorption from the ground state into the energy range around a doubly excited state leads to ionization along two possible paths: either direct ionization into the background continuum or indirect ionization via the autoionizing resonance. The interference of the two paths gives rise to an asymmetric absorption line, which is known as the Fano profile,The Fano profile is found in both photoelectron spectra and photoabsorption spectra
报告二:硕士生报告 时间:16:40-17:10
题 目: 金融物理概述
报告人: 边一聪
摘要: 金融物理是由波士顿大学的物理学教授H. E. Stanley在1995年首先提出的,是用统计物理、理论物理、复杂系统理论、非线性科学、应用数学等的概念、理论和方法研究金融市场,通过自组织而涌现的宏观规律及其复杂性的一门新兴交叉学科。简而言之,金融物理学家将金融市场看做一个复杂系统,其中的各种数据(如个股价格、指数、房价等)看做是物理实验数据,力图寻找和阐释其中的物理规律。本文将主要介绍一些金融市场规律用物理规律进行合理解释的例子,并分析一些用物理学解决金融市场问题的模型。
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