来源: 作者: 发布时间:2023-10-12邀请人:
时间: 2023-10-12
题目: First-principles study of thermal transport, electron-phonon coupling, electronic transport, and thermoelectronic performance in strong anharmonic materials |
报告人:赵银昌 教授 (烟台大学) 时 间:2023年10月11号(周三)晚上18:30-20:00 地 点:线下-良乡校区 物理实验中心229;线上-腾讯会议号:716-844-864 |
摘要: Lattice anharmonic effect plays a crucial role in thermal transport and electron-phonon coupling related physics including electronic transport, superconductivity, polaron, and thermoelectronic properties of strong anharmonic materials. To include cubic and quartic anharmonicity, nonperturbative anharmonic phonon theory is required in calculations of various lattice anharmonicity related properties. Based on the combination of self-consistent phonon theory, compressive sensing techniques, Boltzmann transport equation, electron-phonon coupling, and Migdal-Eliashberg theory, we have investigated lattice thermal conductivity, electron transport, thermoelectronic performance, and superconductivity in a series of strong anharmonic materials, and revealed that the inclusion of anharmonic renormalization in calculations is a significant factor to provide the theoretical findings comparable to experimental results. |
简历: 赵银昌,烟台大学教授,硕士生导师。2006年本科毕业于曲阜师范大学物理工程学院物理学专业。2016年博士毕业于清华大学物理系物理学专业。博士毕业后一直在烟台大学戴振宏课题组工作,主要从事二维材料、电声耦合、非谐晶格动力学、超导电性、电子输运、拓扑电子结构、霍尔效应等的第一性原理模拟与计算,目前致力于四声子散射、有限温电声耦合、极化子物理等方面的研究,在npj Computational Materials, JMCA, Materials Today Physics, PRB, APL等期刊共发表论文100余篇, 引用1280次, h指数22。主持国家自然科学基金项目2项,山东省自然科学基金等科研项目,参与国家及省部级科研项目多项。 Email:
联系方式 邀 请 人:关梦雪 副教授 网 址:http:/ 承办单位:bat365在线平台官网、先进光电量子结构设计与测量教育部重点实验室 |