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Chiral kagome superconductivity modulations with residual Fermi arcs

来源: 作者: 发布时间:2024-08-30


Superconductivity involving finite-momentum pairing1 can lead to spatial-gap and pair-density modulations, as well as Bogoliubov Fermi states within the superconducting gap. However, the experimental realization of their intertwined relations has been challenging. Here we detect chiral kagome superconductivity modulations with residual Fermi arcs in KV3Sb5 and CsV3Sb5 using normal and Josephson scanning tunnelling microscopy down to 30 millikelvin with a resolved electronic energy difference at the microelectronvolt level. We observe a U-shaped superconducting gap with flat residual in-gap states. This gap shows chiral 2× 2a spatial modulations with magnetic-field-tunable chirality, which align with the chiral 2a × 2a pair-density modulations observed through Josephson tunnelling. These findings demonstrate a chiral pair density wave (PDW) that breaks time-reversal symmetry. Quasiparticle interference imaging of the in-gap zero-energy states reveals segmented arcs, with high-temperature data linking them to parts of the reconstructed vanadium d-orbital states within the charge order. The detected residual Fermi arcs can be explained by the partial suppression of these d-orbital states through an interorbital 2a × 2a PDW and thus serve as candidate Bogoliubov Fermi states. In addition, we differentiate the observed PDW order from impurity-induced gap modulations. Our observations not only uncover a chiral PDW order with orbital selectivity but also show the fundamental space–momentum correspondence inherent in finite-momentum-paired superconductivity.